GPAX is now home to the 2012 ECXC “Hardcore” Challenge Champions!
The 2012 ECXC "Hardcore" Challenge Champions! Left to Right - Sean Valentine, Jerry Chao, Mike Danielson, & Stephen Q. Breslin (Also pictured, Overlord, The Cherry Hill Nissan NV, The Consult III, & The Beast)
GPAX entered it’s 4th ECXC Challenge this past July 21st at Rausch Creek Off-Road Park and came away victorious! After a long awaited and much anticipated (By El Presidente) arrival of Sean “Hoagie” Valentine, the GPAX crew needed the help of an electronic god, which thankfully came in the form of a Consult III computer, courtesy of Cherry Hill Nissan and Brian “The Parts Pimp” Cadigan. Once the Consult III got The Beast, driven by Stephen Q. Breslin, fooled into 4WD, the challenge was on. The GPAX team made short work of the 1st challenge section will almost no hesitation and surprisingly sharp moves and excellent spotting. The first half of the 2nd challenge offered the first real obstacle that would require some smart driving, mixed with a little velocity. The rear lockers and swift, intelligent driving of Sean and Stephen made that obstacle look like no road block that would stand between them and their first Championship. With some well placed rock stacking and spotting by Jerry Chao and Mike “Blaaaaaaaain!” Danielson, Team GPAX got through the 2nd section of the 2nd Challenge in a raucous manner and finished in excellent time. At the end of the night on Saturday, at the BBQ & Raffle, Team GPAX found out that their time was enough to edge out the 3 time defending champions from NeXterra, Tom Kurahara and Mike Stevens. A huge thank you to Cherry Hill Nissan, Brian Cadigan, PRG Products, Shrockworks and everyone who led the way and taught us what we know!